Abide in Me

In this sermon guest preacher Rev. Christine Veillon highlights Jesus telling his disciples - Remain. Stay. Dwell. Continue with me. This is Jesus’ directive to friends who will soon lose him. Keep the faith. Don’t forget. If you abide in me, just as I abide in you, God will accomplish through you that which is glorifying to God, and you will be disciples, you will carry my life and teaching on. It is the promise—and the challenge. The trick of Jesus’ whole teaching and ministry and very being is that there can be no difference between “whatever we wish” and “that which would glorify God.” Abiding with Christ is the work of faith itself. And it takes muscle. Bearing the weight, grounding God’s climbing, reaching, stretching, wild, delicious, fruity, nourishing, abundance is what we as disciples are called and equipped to do. In Christ, we taste the love of a friend who laid down his life for us, so that we who find our life in him might feast on him, and love like him, and bear fruit like his, until all Creation looks and tastes like Eden.